Cancellations/Postponements Due to Covid-19
Please rest assured that postponements and date changes will incur zero financial penalty or lost payments, where applicable. Please contact us by email or telephone so that we may be part of your planning solution.
Please click below to download/print form, complete It and email back it to us…
We do require that you complete the above form, for our record keeping. We understand that this is a first for everyone and there will be challenges in working through these matters. We ask for your patience as we work internally to adjust, postpone, cancel and accommodate each of our clients.
For schools, we understand that your dances and social event plans are on hold, and likely postponed until the 2020-2021 school year. We ask that you also complete the above form, if you currently have a reservation. To all our educators... THANK YOU! We know that this interruption in classroom instruction will call on you to take on a different role in educating your students. We appreciate your creativity and dedication as you search, discover and present new ways of keeping students engaged. If we can be a part of keeping your students engaged, please call on us. We'd be happy to help with one of our virtual options!
*** Please Note ***
Any outright cancellations (pursuant & subject to contract terms) will be assessed on a case by case basis, for future use of funds. Due to the volume of postponements & cancellations, any refunds, if offered, will be negotiated and dispersed within 60 days of cancellation. Not all cancellations are eligible for refund.